I need to make a will, but… I don’t really have that much stuff

I need to make a will, but… I don’t really have that much stuff

This statement reveals one reason why so many people don’t make a will. There is this underlying belief that Wills are for wealthy people. That if we are just the “Average Joe,” we don’t really have enough stuff that would “qualify” us for the special privilege of making a will.

So, let me be clear about this – ANYONE who has ANYTHING is worthy of having a will.

Even if the only thing you own is the shirt on your back, you deserve to have a will and decide who you want to have that shirt when you die.

Wills are not just for people with a lot of stuff. They are for anyone who CARES about the stuff they have. And, wills are not just about money! These days, the majority of a person’s wealth is wrapped up in their retirement accounts, which aren’t even included in or handled by the will. So, don’t worry about how much money you don’t have. Even if you only have $5 in your savings account, but you have a house and a car and furniture – or just a dirty t-shirt – you deserve to have a will!

And, if you have young kids, you definitely need a will. Your will is the place where you name a guardian to take care of your kids under-18, if the custodial parents die. Some people even use their will to name guardians for their pets!

So, don’t get caught up thinking that you need to have a lot of stuff or a lot of money in order to justify having a will. Having a will is a right that is given to you just by being a person on this earth who accumulates and owns anything.

You are a valuable human being and the things that you care about ARE important. It is ok to tell the world that you care about something by putting it in a will, regardless of how much or how little it is.

Whether you absolutely need a will is a different question, which is also discussed and answered in our Wills 101 course. But, don’t think that the answer is necessarily based on how much stuff you have; it’s more of a question of what kind of stuff you have.

If you care about your stuff, whatever it is, or want to find out how to best transfer its ownership after you die, purchase our Wills 101 course today and make your plan tonight.