How It Works

Thank you for your interest in our legal tutorials!

When you purchase a course, you will receive full access for one-year to all the videos and workbook materials included with that course. Upon purchase, we will send you one initial email with your log-in and access information. After that, you can rest assured that we will not send any additional emails concerning the content of your course. We understand that many of our subscribers may want to keep this content private.

When you log-in and access your course, select the video you want to watch and enjoy the benefits of gaining knowledge and confidence without having to take time off of work or pay hundreds of dollars for just one hour with an attorney. After watching your course, you will feel confident and prepared to address your legal concerns, and will understand the documentation and procedures involved in your particular situation.

These courses are guaranteed to save you time and money and give you the understanding you need to confidently address your legal issues.

Select your course now!